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Former Libertarian Begs Sam To Take Ayn Rand Seriously
Libertarian Exposes His Deranged Ideology In Debate With Sam Seder
Ayn Rand Explains Libertarianism in Two Minutes
Ayn Rand Fan Debates ‘Objectivism’ With Sam
Seder DEBATES Ayn Rand Institute Libertarian Yaron Brook
Ayn Rand, Secret Socialist
Ayn Rand Guy: Florida Condo Collapsed Because People ‘Made Bad Decision’ And Are 'Rightly Suffering'
Libertarian Challenges Sam To Most Unproductive Debate Of All Time
Things That Libertarians JUST KEEP SAYING W/ Sam Seder
GOP: Atlas Shrugged Should Be Required Reading for Students
Sam Seder vs. Yaron Brook (Ayn Rand Institute) on the Miami Condo Collapse
Libertarian Caller Returns With 'Higher Wages, Higher Crime' Take